IA-02(12) Acceptance of PIV Credentials

Accept and electronically verify Personal Identity Verification-compliant credentials.



Acceptance of Personal Identity Verification (PIV)-compliant credentials applies to organizations implementing logical access control and physical access control systems. PIV-compliant credentials are those credentials issued by federal agencies that conform to FIPS Publication 201 and supporting guidance documents. The adequacy and reliability of PIV card issuers are authorized using [SP 800-79-2](#10963761-58fc-4b20-b3d6-b44a54daba03) . Acceptance of PIV-compliant credentials includes derived PIV credentials, the use of which is addressed in [SP 800-166](#e8552d48-cf41-40aa-8b06-f45f7fb4706c) . The DOD Common Access Card (CAC) is an example of a PIV credential.