MA-01 Policy and Procedures
a. Develop, document, and disseminate to ma-1_prm_1:
1. ma-01_odp.03 maintenance policy that:
(a) Addresses purpose, scope, roles, responsibilities, management commitment, coordination among organizational entities, and compliance; and
(b) Is consistent with applicable laws, executive orders, directives, regulations, policies, standards, and guidelines; and
2. Procedures to facilitate the implementation of the maintenance policy and the associated maintenance controls;
b. Designate an ma-01_odp.04 to manage the development, documentation, and dissemination of the maintenance policy and procedures; and
c. Review and update the current maintenance:
1. Policy ma-01_odp.05 and following ma-01_odp.06 ; and
2. Procedures ma-01_odp.07 and following ma-01_odp.08.
Parameter ID | Definition |
ma-1_prm_1 | organization-defined personnel or roles |
ma-01_odp.01 | personnel or roles |
ma-01_odp.02 | personnel or roles |
ma-01_odp.03 |
Selection (one-or-more):
ma-01_odp.04 | official |
ma-01_odp.05 | frequency |
ma-01_odp.06 | events |
ma-01_odp.07 | frequency |
ma-01_odp.08 | events |
- L Selected
- M Selected
- H Selected
- P Not selected
Maintenance policy and procedures address the controls in the MA family that are implemented within systems and organizations. The risk management strategy is an important factor in establishing such policies and procedures. Policies and procedures contribute to security and privacy assurance. Therefore, it is important that security and privacy programs collaborate on the development of maintenance policy and procedures. Security and privacy program policies and procedures at the organization level are preferable, in general, and may obviate the need for mission- or system-specific policies and procedures. The policy can be included as part of the general security and privacy policy or be represented by multiple policies that reflect the complex nature of organizations. Procedures can be established for security and privacy programs, for mission or business processes, and for systems, if needed. Procedures describe how the policies or controls are implemented and can be directed at the individual or role that is the object of the procedure. Procedures can be documented in system security and privacy plans or in one or more separate documents. Events that may precipitate an update to maintenance policy and procedures assessment or audit findings, security incidents or breaches, or changes in applicable laws, executive orders, directives, regulations, policies, standards, and guidelines. Simply restating controls does not constitute an organizational policy or procedure.
References 5
- OMB A-130 Office of Management and Budget Memorandum Circular A-130, *Managing Information as a Strategic Resource* , July 2016.
- SP 800-12 Nieles M, Pillitteri VY, Dempsey KL (2017) An Introduction to Information Security. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-12, Rev. 1.
- SP 800-30 Joint Task Force Transformation Initiative (2012) Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-30, Rev. 1.
- SP 800-39 Joint Task Force Transformation Initiative (2011) Managing Information Security Risk: Organization, Mission, and Information System View. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-39.
- SP 800-100 Bowen P, Hash J, Wilson M (2006) Information Security Handbook: A Guide for Managers. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-100, Includes updates as of March 7, 2007.
Related controls 3
- PM-09 Risk Management Strategy L M H P
- PS-08 Personnel Sanctions L M H P
- SI-12 Information Management and Retention L M H P