CA - Assessment, Authorization, and Monitoring


Number Title Low Moderate High Privacy
CA-01 Policy and Procedures
CA-02 Control Assessments
CA-02(01) Independent Assessors
CA-02(02) Specialized Assessments
CA-02(03) Leveraging Results from External Organizations
CA-03 Information Exchange
CA-03(01) Unclassified National Security System Connections Moved to SC-7.25.
CA-03(02) Classified National Security System Connections Moved to SC-7.26.
CA-03(03) Unclassified Non-national Security System Connections Moved to SC-7.27.
CA-03(04) Connections to Public Networks Moved to SC-7.28.
CA-03(05) Restrictions on External System Connections Moved to SC-7.5.
CA-03(06) Transfer Authorizations
CA-03(07) Transitive Information Exchanges
CA-04 Security Certification Incorporated into CA-2.
CA-05 Plan of Action and Milestones
CA-05(01) Automation Support for Accuracy and Currency
CA-06 Authorization
CA-06(01) Joint Authorization — Intra-organization
CA-06(02) Joint Authorization — Inter-organization
CA-07 Continuous Monitoring
CA-07(01) Independent Assessment
CA-07(02) Types of Assessments Incorporated into CA-2.
CA-07(03) Trend Analyses
CA-07(04) Risk Monitoring
CA-07(05) Consistency Analysis
CA-07(06) Automation Support for Monitoring
CA-08 Penetration Testing
CA-08(01) Independent Penetration Testing Agent or Team
CA-08(02) Red Team Exercises
CA-08(03) Facility Penetration Testing
CA-09 Internal System Connections
CA-09(01) Compliance Checks