AT-03 Role-based Training
a. Provide role-based security and privacy training to personnel with the following roles and responsibilities: at-3_prm_1:
1. Before authorizing access to the system, information, or performing assigned duties, and at-03_odp.03 thereafter; and
2. When required by system changes;
b. Update role-based training content at-03_odp.04 and following at-03_odp.05 ; and
c. Incorporate lessons learned from internal or external security incidents or breaches into role-based training.
Parameter ID | Definition |
at-3_prm_1 | organization-defined roles and responsibilities |
at-03_odp.01 | roles and responsibilities |
at-03_odp.02 | roles and responsibilities |
at-03_odp.03 | frequency |
at-03_odp.04 | frequency |
at-03_odp.05 | events |
- L Selected
- M Selected
- H Selected
- P Selected
Organizations determine the content of training based on the assigned roles and responsibilities of individuals as well as the security and privacy requirements of organizations and the systems to which personnel have authorized access, including technical training specifically tailored for assigned duties. Roles that may require role-based training include senior leaders or management officials (e.g., head of agency/chief executive officer, chief information officer, senior accountable official for risk management, senior agency information security officer, senior agency official for privacy), system owners; authorizing officials; system security officers; privacy officers; acquisition and procurement officials; enterprise architects; systems engineers; software developers; systems security engineers; privacy engineers; system, network, and database administrators; auditors; personnel conducting configuration management activities; personnel performing verification and validation activities; personnel with access to system-level software; control assessors; personnel with contingency planning and incident response duties; personnel with privacy management responsibilities; and personnel with access to personally identifiable information.
Comprehensive role-based training addresses management, operational, and technical roles and responsibilities covering physical, personnel, and technical controls. Role-based training also includes policies, procedures, tools, methods, and artifacts for the security and privacy roles defined. Organizations provide the training necessary for individuals to fulfill their responsibilities related to operations and supply chain risk management within the context of organizational security and privacy programs. Role-based training also applies to contractors who provide services to federal agencies. Types of training include web-based and computer-based training, classroom-style training, and hands-on training (including micro-training). Updating role-based training on a regular basis helps to ensure that the content remains relevant and effective. Events that may precipitate an update to role-based training content include, but are not limited to, assessment or audit findings, security incidents or breaches, or changes in applicable laws, executive orders, directives, regulations, policies, standards, and guidelines.
References 3
- OMB A-130 Office of Management and Budget Memorandum Circular A-130, *Managing Information as a Strategic Resource* , July 2016.
- SP 800-50 Wilson M, Hash J (2003) Building an Information Technology Security Awareness and Training Program. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-50.
- SP 800-181 Petersen R, Santos D, Smith MC, Wetzel KA, Witte G (2020) Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity (NICE Framework). (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-181, Rev. 1.
Control Enhancements 5
- AT-03(01) Environmental Controls L M H P
- AT-03(02) Physical Security Controls L M H P
- AT-03(03) Practical Exercises L M H P
- AT-03(04) Suspicious Communications and Anomalous System Behavior
- AT-03(05) Processing Personally Identifiable Information L M H P
Related controls 22
- AC-03 Access Enforcement L M H P
- AC-17 Remote Access L M H P
- AC-22 Publicly Accessible Content L M H P
- AT-02 Literacy Training and Awareness L M H P
- AT-04 Training Records L M H P
- CP-03 Contingency Training L M H P
- IR-02 Incident Response Training L M H P
- IR-04 Incident Handling L M H P
- IR-07 Incident Response Assistance L M H P
- IR-09 Information Spillage Response L M H P
- PL-04 Rules of Behavior L M H P
- PM-13 Security and Privacy Workforce L M H P
- PM-23 Data Governance Body L M H P
- PS-07 External Personnel Security L M H P
- PS-09 Position Descriptions L M H P
- SA-03 System Development Life Cycle L M H P
- SA-08 Security and Privacy Engineering Principles L M H P
- SA-11 Developer Testing and Evaluation L M H P
- SA-16 Developer-provided Training L M H P
- SR-05 Acquisition Strategies, Tools, and Methods L M H P
- SR-06 Supplier Assessments and Reviews L M H P
- SR-11 Component Authenticity L M H P