PT-06 System of Records Notice
For systems that process information that will be maintained in a Privacy Act system of records:
a. Draft system of records notices in accordance with OMB guidance and submit new and significantly modified system of records notices to the OMB and appropriate congressional committees for advance review;
b. Publish system of records notices in the Federal Register; and
c. Keep system of records notices accurate, up-to-date, and scoped in accordance with policy.
- L Not selected
- M Not selected
- H Not selected
- P Selected
The [PRIVACT](#18e71fec-c6fd-475a-925a-5d8495cf8455) requires that federal agencies publish a system of records notice in the Federal Register upon the establishment and/or modification of a [PRIVACT](#18e71fec-c6fd-475a-925a-5d8495cf8455) system of records. As a general matter, a system of records notice is required when an agency maintains a group of any records under the control of the agency from which information is retrieved by the name of an individual or by some identifying number, symbol, or other identifier. The notice describes the existence and character of the system and identifies the system of records, the purpose(s) of the system, the authority for maintenance of the records, the categories of records maintained in the system, the categories of individuals about whom records are maintained, the routine uses to which the records are subject, and additional details about the system as described in [OMB A-108](#3671ff20-c17c-44d6-8a88-7de203fa74aa).
References 2
- PRIVACT Privacy Act (P.L. 93-579), December 1974.
- OMB A-108 Office of Management and Budget Memorandum Circular A-108, *Federal Agency Responsibilities for Review, Reporting, and Publication under the Privacy Act* , December 2016.
Control Enhancements 2
- PT-06(01) Routine Uses L M H P
- PT-06(02) Exemption Rules L M H P
Related controls 5
- AC-03 Access Enforcement L M H P
- PM-20 Dissemination of Privacy Program Information L M H P
- PT-02 Authority to Process Personally Identifiable Information L M H P
- PT-03 Personally Identifiable Information Processing Purposes L M H P
- PT-05 Privacy Notice L M H P