SA - System and Services Acquisition


Number Title Low Moderate High Privacy
SA-01 Policy and Procedures
SA-02 Allocation of Resources
SA-03 System Development Life Cycle
SA-03(01) Manage Preproduction Environment
SA-03(02) Use of Live or Operational Data
SA-03(03) Technology Refresh
SA-04 Acquisition Process
SA-04(01) Functional Properties of Controls
SA-04(02) Design and Implementation Information for Controls
SA-04(03) Development Methods, Techniques, and Practices
SA-04(04) Assignment of Components to Systems Incorporated into CM-8.9.
SA-04(05) System, Component, and Service Configurations
SA-04(06) Use of Information Assurance Products
SA-04(07) NIAP-approved Protection Profiles
SA-04(08) Continuous Monitoring Plan for Controls
SA-04(09) Functions, Ports, Protocols, and Services in Use
SA-04(10) Use of Approved PIV Products
SA-04(11) System of Records
SA-04(12) Data Ownership
SA-05 System Documentation
SA-05(01) Functional Properties of Security Controls Incorporated into SA-4.1.
SA-05(02) Security-relevant External System Interfaces Incorporated into SA-4.2.
SA-05(03) High-level Design Incorporated into SA-4.2.
SA-05(04) Low-level Design Incorporated into SA-4.2.
SA-05(05) Source Code Incorporated into SA-4.2.
SA-06 Software Usage Restrictions Incorporated into CM-10 AND SI-7.
SA-07 User-installed Software Incorporated into CM-11 AND SI-7.
SA-08 Security and Privacy Engineering Principles
SA-08(01) Clear Abstractions
SA-08(02) Least Common Mechanism
SA-08(03) Modularity and Layering
SA-08(04) Partially Ordered Dependencies
SA-08(05) Efficiently Mediated Access
SA-08(06) Minimized Sharing
SA-08(07) Reduced Complexity
SA-08(08) Secure Evolvability
SA-08(09) Trusted Components
SA-08(10) Hierarchical Trust
SA-08(11) Inverse Modification Threshold
SA-08(12) Hierarchical Protection
SA-08(13) Minimized Security Elements
SA-08(14) Least Privilege
SA-08(15) Predicate Permission
SA-08(16) Self-reliant Trustworthiness
SA-08(17) Secure Distributed Composition
SA-08(18) Trusted Communications Channels
SA-08(19) Continuous Protection
SA-08(20) Secure Metadata Management
SA-08(21) Self-analysis
SA-08(22) Accountability and Traceability
SA-08(23) Secure Defaults
SA-08(24) Secure Failure and Recovery
SA-08(25) Economic Security
SA-08(26) Performance Security
SA-08(27) Human Factored Security
SA-08(28) Acceptable Security
SA-08(29) Repeatable and Documented Procedures
SA-08(30) Procedural Rigor
SA-08(31) Secure System Modification
SA-08(32) Sufficient Documentation
SA-08(33) Minimization
SA-09 External System Services
SA-09(01) Risk Assessments and Organizational Approvals
SA-09(02) Identification of Functions, Ports, Protocols, and Services
SA-09(03) Establish and Maintain Trust Relationship with Providers
SA-09(04) Consistent Interests of Consumers and Providers
SA-09(05) Processing, Storage, and Service Location
SA-09(06) Organization-controlled Cryptographic Keys
SA-09(07) Organization-controlled Integrity Checking
SA-09(08) Processing and Storage Location — U.S. Jurisdiction
SA-10 Developer Configuration Management
SA-10(01) Software and Firmware Integrity Verification
SA-10(02) Alternative Configuration Management Processes
SA-10(03) Hardware Integrity Verification
SA-10(04) Trusted Generation
SA-10(05) Mapping Integrity for Version Control
SA-10(06) Trusted Distribution
SA-10(07) Security and Privacy Representatives
SA-11 Developer Testing and Evaluation
SA-11(01) Static Code Analysis
SA-11(02) Threat Modeling and Vulnerability Analyses
SA-11(03) Independent Verification of Assessment Plans and Evidence
SA-11(04) Manual Code Reviews
SA-11(05) Penetration Testing
SA-11(06) Attack Surface Reviews
SA-11(07) Verify Scope of Testing and Evaluation
SA-11(08) Dynamic Code Analysis
SA-11(09) Interactive Application Security Testing
SA-12 Supply Chain Protection Incorporated into SR.
SA-12(01) Acquisition Strategies / Tools / Methods Moved to SR-5.
SA-12(02) Supplier Reviews Moved to SR-6.
SA-12(03) Trusted Shipping and Warehousing Incorporated into SR-3.
SA-12(04) Diversity of Suppliers Moved to SR-3.1.
SA-12(05) Limitation of Harm Moved to SR-3.2.
SA-12(06) Minimizing Procurement Time Incorporated into SR-5.1.
SA-12(07) Assessments Prior to Selection / Acceptance / Update Moved to SR-5.2.
SA-12(08) Use of All-source Intelligence Incorporated into RA-3.2.
SA-12(09) Operations Security Moved to SR-7.
SA-12(10) Validate as Genuine and Not Altered Moved to SR-4.3.
SA-12(11) Penetration Testing / Analysis of Elements, Processes, and Actors Moved to SR-6.1.
SA-12(12) Inter-organizational Agreements Moved to SR-8.
SA-12(13) Critical Information System Components Incorporated into MA-6 AND RA-9.
SA-12(14) Identity and Traceability Incorporated into SR-4.1 AND SR-4.2.
SA-12(15) Processes to Address Weaknesses or Deficiencies Incorporated into SR-3.
SA-13 Trustworthiness Incorporated into SA-8.
SA-14 Criticality Analysis Incorporated into RA-9.
SA-14(01) Critical Components with No Viable Alternative Sourcing Incorporated into SA-20.
SA-15 Development Process, Standards, and Tools
SA-15(01) Quality Metrics
SA-15(02) Security and Privacy Tracking Tools
SA-15(03) Criticality Analysis
SA-15(04) Threat Modeling and Vulnerability Analysis Incorporated into SA-11.2.
SA-15(05) Attack Surface Reduction
SA-15(06) Continuous Improvement
SA-15(07) Automated Vulnerability Analysis
SA-15(08) Reuse of Threat and Vulnerability Information
SA-15(09) Use of Live Data Incorporated into SA-3.2.
SA-15(10) Incident Response Plan
SA-15(11) Archive System or Component
SA-15(12) Minimize Personally Identifiable Information
SA-16 Developer-provided Training
SA-17 Developer Security and Privacy Architecture and Design
SA-17(01) Formal Policy Model
SA-17(02) Security-relevant Components
SA-17(03) Formal Correspondence
SA-17(04) Informal Correspondence
SA-17(05) Conceptually Simple Design
SA-17(06) Structure for Testing
SA-17(07) Structure for Least Privilege
SA-17(08) Orchestration
SA-17(09) Design Diversity
SA-18 Tamper Resistance and Detection Moved to SR-9.
SA-18(01) Multiple Phases of System Development Life Cycle Moved to SR-9.1.
SA-18(2) Inspection of Systems or Components Moved to SR-10.
SA-19 Component Authenticity Moved to SR-11.
SA-19(01) Anti-counterfeit Training Moved to SR-11.1.
SA-19(02) Configuration Control for Component Service and Repair Moved to SR-11.2.
SA-19(03) Component Disposal Moved to SR-12.
SA-19(04) Anti-counterfeit Scanning Moved to SR-11.3.
SA-20 Customized Development of Critical Components
SA-21 Developer Screening
SA-21(01) Validation of Screening Incorporated into SA-21.
SA-22 Unsupported System Components
SA-22(01) Alternative Sources for Continued Support Incorporated into SA-22.
SA-23 Specialization